Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Thousand Rewordings

Over the past month, Mike Huckabee has evinced his reliance on popular support and grassroots activism, implicitly challenging the notion that political nobility should arbitrate the semifinal set of presidential candidates. The conventional odds are against him, since spending every waking moment for the next year in Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina winning over a potential voter per minute would net him less than five percent of the vote in the primaries of those states. (Census State Populations) Convincing the probable primary voters of those states could yield him the nomination, though there is no sure way to know who those voters are. While Mike Huckabee continues to spend time courting individual voters, increasingly he depends on these voters, not merely to attract their friends and family, but to be exceptionally effective at doing so, since other campaigns partake of this phenomenon as well. So far, I have not been exceptionally effective at popularizing Mike Huckabee, in part because I have never promoted a political candidate before, and I suspect many who find him particularly appealing are in the same situation. So far, my difficulties lie in accurately portraying the parts of Huckabee's story that can inspire both me and those I know, and my amateur depictions leave them skeptical that he deserves their trust, compelling me to reword and rephrase and restate. Recently, I have realized that perhaps the best way to introduce them to Huckabee is to verify that they also value certain mores, assert that Huckabee is eminently qualified to uphold those mores, and show them videos of Huckabee in the spotlight. Certainly I could learn to articulate his allure and his record, but until I do, Mike Huckabee's personable, sincere, and charismatic demeanor and his considered, forthright, and intentional words are a better testament than I. Perhaps other members of Team Huckabee will likewise conclude that the painting itself is worth more to the viewer than the plaque describing it.


Anonymous said...

Great site! Can't believe I haven't seen it before today.

Send me an e-mail if you get some time, I'd love to chat further.

Megan Ritter said...

PLEASE GO VOTE for Mike Huckabee in the FreedomWorks online straw poll, now through Thursday, August 2nd.

Also, please pass this along to other Huckabee supporters in ANY way you can!!! He CAN win this!

Erik said...

Keep posting...the momentum is building and Mike Is On the Move! Visit my blog at

Stephen R. Maloney said...

"Even if we lose elections we should not lose our honor. And that is more important than the Republican party." -- Mike Huckabee

A long-time and seemingly committed Blogger for Huckabee has withdrawn his support for Mike. That is his right, but I believe he's making statements about Mike -- and, frankly, about me -- that are misleading (to say the least). I devoted my column today to the subject, and I want all backers of Mike (and of Mike heading a ticket with Gov. Sarah Palin in the second spot) to know that I have the highest regard for Gov. Huckabee. Thanks.

steve maloney

Radiant Times said...

Hi! Please Update! This gal in Las Cruces likes Huckabee!

Radiant Times

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

For bad news about another candidate, chedk out this youtube clip about Giuliani's close friendship with an accused child molestor - . Forward it on if you're as disturbed as I am.

Marc said...

Help spread the word about Mike Huckabee!

On December 29th there will be a national effort to raise awareness about Mike Huckabee and his campaign for President.

Grab your signs, shirts and other Mike Huckabee for President materials and get out. Run, walk, bike, march or drive around in a public place where you live. Let's make sure that anyone that travels on December 29th sees a Mike Huckabee for President sign.

Anonymous said...

Once again CNN shows its true colors, the Clinton News Network. As always they attempt to sandbag the RNP and the President in any way possible. I only watch CNN, when there is a Republican only debate. I am tired of the Main Stream Media going after talk radio then openly attempting to interject the Clintons into every event in the campaign. I feel this shows even more reasons to distrust CNN. I have been a Republican for years, use to even live under Clinton rule in Arkansas. After moving to New Mexico in 2001 with my wife and sons, buying a business and settling into the great life we have, my beliefs as a Republican have grown stronger.

Today was great for me in many ways, I had a reception with Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who is running for the U.S. Senate, and I watched the Republican debate on CNN. Then came the plant, did CNN not even read the Clinton press releases announcing this person as an adviser? This shows me that there are two layers of news in the CNN world - one layer being treating the Clintons' as God's gift to society and the Republicans as being the "evil empire". Why do we allow this? Why is the media allowed to act this way, and why do people listen? It is because the wars we have fought and are still fighting which has allowed this to occur. If it was not for Americans standing on the wall, we would not have the freedoms that we do. I now understand what the Constitution really means, after 41 years of thinking I knew what it was all about - it means that the CNN's of this would can interject things that are not true into their broadcast and therefore we as citizens have the right to point out the truth.

Jeff Crum

Bosque Farms, NM

Anonymous said...

Check out the No-Billary campaign buttons, hats and T-shirts. The prices are really cheap too. Buy some of this campaign gear and share your No-Billary sentiments with others.

For buttons click on ( ) and for all other merchandise click on ( )!

Anonymous said...

The Christian right (and other fed up conservatives) are supporting Mike Huckabee, but the right’s pundits are not flocking to support him, and many of them are actually trying to derail him. Case in point:

Rush's Hit-Piece on Huckabee (stick with it, audio of Rush)

Something is very very very very wrong with this picture. Bottom line: The best candidate for the Republican nomination is Huckabee.

Huckabee - Cinderella Man

Spread this message around.


Bohemian said...

Vote now in the AOl Online Straw Poll:

The Paulites are trying to skew the polls again...

New Mexico for Huckabee!

Huckabee for America!

11 Smiths for Huckabee said...

I thought you might be interested in our new Huckabee video, "A Call to Texans." You can view the video here:

Please post this on your blog and pass it on to all your friends in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Amy, a National Meet.up prayer leader has asked us all to pray for a $1 Million dollar total in donations by Tuesday morning. that means raising about $260,000 in 36 hours, or about $7, 200.00 per hour.

Please ask your family and friends to each donate $5.00 or more to the campaign to help us meet this goal.

Also, my challenge is still on:
I will call 10 phone numbers per $1.00 donation.

So far you have raised $1,650.00 in the last 60 hours or about $30.00 per hour. If everyone could raise this much we would have our goal complete by Tuesday.

Thanks. Ranger code R6441
Gerald Voie